Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life Is Not Black or White

We live in a very judgemental society. Life for most people fall into two categories, like Dr. Suess' book about the Sneetches: The Haves and the Have Nots. We forget about those that had and now cannot. We forget how life can change in a moment with no warning often.

Sometimes when our lives change, it's things we planned or can anticipate. However, what about those times when life knocks on our door and says, "Hello. I'm changing the game." Life is what we make of it. Life is what do with it.

Our experiences shape our responses. However, lately when I watch the news or read the news articles, I struggle to contain my disappointment with how it comes across as a black and/or white world. That either you are right with your opinion, or wrong as the case may be.

How many of us look at the facts that are presented and struggle to endorse either "side" of the issue? How many of us look at the picture and wonder what's the story or lesson NOT being told? Or the fact that life lately is turning into a Catch-22.

I'm here sharing my viewpoint. I'm here to remind if no one but myself and my children: Life is NOT black or white, or even black AND white. There are often shades of vibrant colors that you choose what to do with. It's all about how you take life and the attitude that goes with it.


  1. I'm excited to read your new blog, Jenn... provided you understand one thing. Life may be a variety of colors and shadings... but it's never fuchsia. Just saying :)

  2. Attitude is the mind's paintbrush! Good work in your blog -- I'm proud of you. :)
