Saturday, April 2, 2011

Hoops and Red Tape

So often in our society I hear of people on welfare or social security (or social security disability) and I wonder how many hoops they had to jump through (esp. if it's for children) and just how much red tape there was. I'm speaking from my own rejected experiences and the horror stories I've witnessed and heard.

However, I've also heard all the stereotypes and comments. They are lazy. They are getting MY hard earned tax dollars. They don't want to work. Must be nice to have that luxury to do nothing all day and still have money to work with. I won't go on.

Sadly, there are people out there who abuse they system. It's a flawed program and there are people who take advantage of it. Yet, I also know that the majority of the people utilizing these programs would certainly wish they didn't need to.

In my father's case, he was a hardworking individual. Suddenly circumstances changed and welfare was needed to ensure that his family had food, medicine, and a roof over their heads. He worked two jobs and STILL needed help. He finally got to a better place and no longer needed it, and his life was up ended several times with the end result being that he could no longer work. He has become a broken man. A man who fought to get his much earned social security disability.

I see the distance in his face and remember the man he once was. I see the broken man. People shed pity on him. I shed prayers for strength. If he were to work he'd be in danger of paralysis or death. He seems so different now than the strong man who was there for me when I needed him most.

Then there is my daughter. She was denied. Why? Unofficially. Off the record... Because she can have a "normal" life with the help of medicine and therapy. No matter the cost. They aren't there to "help" those with "that" need. Understood loud and clear. She's not disabled ENOUGH. Why? Because she has a MENTAL HEALTH issue. Sure I could jump more hoops and deal with more red tape... taking more time away from her and her needs... and POSSIBLY change the mind of whoever overlooks it this time... But she needs me NOW.

The misunderstanding of mental health issues frustrates me in a world of hurt. In fact there are even psych doctors out there who can't agree with each other about mental health. They will question diagnosis'. They will argue about meds. and side affects. They will argue about specialists referrals and recommendations.

Sometimes I want to just scream in frustration. Most people just don't understand at all that one moment life can be all roses and very sitcom like in ways... and suddenly you are one step from homelessness, hunger, or welfare yourself.

So when you see people in situations that are unique to them and different from yours, try to be kinder. You never know where those shoes have traversed and are going daily.

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